Category: Safety


Stagehands encounter fall hazards all the time, like loading tower trusses on flatbed trucks. Addressing this fall hazard is key to safety for all stagehands!


During a stadium show load-in at Chase Field, the heat was on! Extreme temperatures increase the risk of heat-related illness during stadium show load-ins – and Rhino Staging was no exception. Don’t worry! This rescue story has a cool, happy ending.


Tipsy Plastic Towers Our friends at the Chase Field baseball stadium in Phoenix have field protective flooring for non-baseball live events stored on stacked pallets in an open lot just down the street from the stadium. Recently, one of their […]


Effective January 1st, 2023, California’s AB 1775 requires Rhino Staging employees at public event venues to complete OSHA 10 training. Rhino Staging offers OSHA-authorized trainers for OSHA 10 & 30-Hour training, enhancing safety awareness and opening doors for stagehands. Contact […]


Welcome To The Live Events Industry! Thank you for being an integral part of our industry! Your passion and dedication are what make live events possible. Whether you’re transitioning from another profession or embarking on your very first job, we […]


The Importance of Stagehand Safety Meetings If you’re wondering what a safety meeting is and why it matters, it’s time to catch up with the rest of us! Safety meetings are vital to maintaining a safe production. Most crews do […]


Pay attention, but to what? Prioritizing your safety is paramount in every production setting! That’s why this blog was written to help equip you with practical tips for enhancing your situational awareness as a stagehand. By incorporating these straightforward strategies […]


Load-In: An Introduction to Mindfulness for Stagehands Mindfulness may cushion the blow of stressful environments and experiences. – Bergson et al., 2023 Stagehand life is one of the most exciting and rewarding things in the world, but it can also […]